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K. Boersma Editing

K. Boersma Editing is Kikki, and they love books. They are trying to write two of them, and the first one has been a year in the works, put on the back burner and thought about constantly. The second one came up a month ago. The problem is, K. Boersma Editing works 30-45 hours a week as a server at a local restaurant, not only that, but they’re trying to get their copy editing career off the ground. They’ve begun reaching out to potential clients, as well as going to book expos and lurking around writer Twitter pages, but as yet there are no responses. K. Boersma Editing also has fibromyalgia, a condition that seems to be “popular” these days but trust me, it’s real. K. Boersma Editing wakes up some days and cannot stand up without help. K. Boersma Editings hands won’t grab things without dropping them. K. Boersma Editings migraines last for 4 days straight with no release. Serving involves walking quickly all day on incredibly painful legs, carrying trays and bus bins so heavy it’s a work out even if you’re completely healthy, and writing orders down with hands that can’t grasp. If K. Boersma Editing feels like this, which they do about half of every month, K. Boersma Editing can’t work. No work equals no money, equals not being able to pay their rent or pay their bills. These things combined make writing their own work very difficult, as most of the time K. Boersma Editing is exhausted and broke. So K. Boersma Editing is here, because if K. Boersma Editing is going to get these books written, K. Boersma Editing needs help.

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