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KBash is KBash. They make game-related content. They’re a writer, editor, and internet screecher. They’ve been making videos since 2016, but they’ve been interested in games, writing, and design for a lot longer. They currently work on top of making videos, so occasionally work gets in the way of creation, but it shouldn’t affect their upload schedule. They make content aimed at bridging comedy and criticism. When they went to the internet for content, they wanted to be entertained. The older they got, the more that entertainment changed from stupid humor to critical content. They want to make valuable insights, examine things from new angles, and make important points. But they want the content to be entertaining above all else. They release 2 videos a month, unless a particular video requires extra time. The topics range from obscure and unknown games, to landmark gaming franchises. The tone can vary wildly from video to video – they don’t like making the same thing twice. They want their content to transcend the actual material – to be a worthwhile distraction.

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