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Kina Grannis

Kina Grannis

Kin Grannis is Kina Grannis. They have launched KG Records after it became abundantly clear that if they were going to attach any humans to their music, it would be their listeners. They had spent many years dabbling in the world of labels–both major and independent–thinking it was how it had to be done, but time and time again they learned that they and their labels had very different priorities. If they wanted to make music that meant something to them, if they wanted to be backed by people who were passionate about the music they wanted to make–there had to be a better way. And lo and behold, there was, and it was their listeners. As the ones that have always had their back, the ones who support their music and allow them to do what they love everyday, the ones that give them purpose and joy–their listeners deserve the credit! And that’s why they made it official that their patrons = their label. Their listeners, their fans, their Kineners, are their actual label. In the years since they launched KG Records, it has completely changed how they approach music. It freed them up to write and release how and when they felt inspired to (saving them from near-burn out!). It allowed them the time and space to learn how to be their own producer, mixer, video editor, and as a result, to have their hand in even more of the creative process, which they have loved. And it let them get to connect on an even deeper level with the people that made all this possible. They think music is a magical thing. It has comforted and healed and inspired them throughout their life, and that is what they hope to do for others with the music they create. They want to connect with people and help them feel less alone (and they want their listeners to help them feel less alone, too!). They want to bring hope and happiness to peoples lives. They want to help people feel. If this is something their listeners believe in, something that feels important to your listeners in some way, then this is the place where you get to be a part of all of that.

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