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Ko Chung Ming 高仲明 Choi Wai Man 蔡慧敏

Ko Chung Ming 高仲明 Choi Wai Man 蔡慧敏 is a photojournalist born and raised in Hong Kong. In the 2019 Hong Kong Protests, he attempted to photograph the conflicts and emotions like what he has been doing in the past 20 years. However, he found it a bit ambitious due to his age and poor physique. Overwhelmed by post-exposure symptoms from tear gas, he retreated from the frontier in August of 2019. Ko took another path and decided to record police brutality by taking portraits of the casualties. Wounds of Hong Kong is the winner of Sony World Photography Awards 2020, Documentary – Professional competition. On normal days, Ko focuses on poverty, homelessness and ethnic minorities. His work Cent MaisonLiving Environment of the Poor in Hong Kong won the WYNG Masters Award in 2012. Ko has become a volunteer photographer for Oxfam Hong Kong since 2016. He joined Oxfams humanitarian program in Rohingya, Tanzania, Malawi, Mozambique, and other countries.

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