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La Tana dei Goblin

La Tana dei Goblin

La Tana dei Goblin is the largest meet-up group for board game enthusiasts in Italy and Provides a space for individuals and associations striving to share the culture of intelligent games, with a special focus on board games, miniature figurines, and role-playing games. The website features the most voted-for board games by Italians, numerous articles with reviews of the latest innovations, in-depth coverage, strategic guides, and curiosity in the gaming world, and a forum where one can discuss all aspects of the boxed game with other enthusiasts. In addition, an archive is available with manuals, rules, translations, and much more downloadable free material. n#\n\n##\n\n\n##\n La Tana dei Goblin is the largest meet-up group for board game enthusiasts in Italy and Provides a space for individuals and associations striving to share the culture of intelligent games, with a special focus on board games, miniature figurines, and role-playing games. The website features the most voted-for board games by Italians, numerous articles with reviews of the latest innovations, in-depth coverage, strategic guides, and curiosity in the gaming world, and a forum where one can discuss all aspects of the boxed game with other enthusiasts. In addition, an archive is available with manuals, rules, translations, and much more downloadable free material.

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