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laini taylor

laini taylor

laini taylor is writing about artists and monsters, librarians and gods (and artist-monsters and librarian-gods!), warrior angels, puppet makers, alchemists, resurrectionists, and dreamers. Their books include the international bestselling Daughter of Smoke and Bone trilogy and Strange the Dreamer duology, plus National Book Award finalist Lips Touch, and more. They’re currently writing a secret book that won’t be secret for too much longer (eep!), and have some other projects coming together backstage that they can’t wait to share. A few different thoughts have been tingling in their brain and have finally tangled together to produce the idea for this space. One: they want to write more things. There are all these stories fizzing in their brain, and they can get so one-track when they’re writing a novel that they don’t make time for them. But they want to! And two: they miss the kind of online community they had back in the blogging days of 10-15 years ago, before Twitter and Instagram replaced that big, generous space of lingering and connection with the tiny, cramped one of scrolling and liking. So they wondered if they could create something like that, with the goal of making it a community space with chats and a forum where they can hang out (their private Discord server!) and even do weird writing exercises together, and just talk about stuff. They want to be more playful and less anxious about short fiction and use this space to write for fun, including some stories set in the worlds of their books, with characters you both know and don’t know, and MORE. They’d love to post messy drafts of wild ideas here for your eyes only. They CAN ONLY HOPE, so that’s the idea!

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