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Leanne Willingham

Leanne Willingham

Leanne Willingham is a witchy lil weirdo living in southern Louisiana, with a fondness for color, moths, the moon, magic, and all things nature. Since it’s brand new, their page is still a bit under construction, as they’re sure you can see. But don’t worry! This won’t affect the goodies you sign up for in any way – most of them are already finished (or near completion) and patiently awaiting being released to you. c: If you’d like to support what they’re doing here and grab yourself some neat magical goodies at the same time, first of all – thank you so much! It means the world that you’ve chosen to spend your time to stop by their lil area of the internet, and they’ll try their best to make it a wonderful and creative space for you to visit. Just choose the tier you’d like to subscribe to and check out this month’s content plan to see when you can expect to find your goodies. You can join anytime, cancel anytime, or choose to raise or lower your pledge at any time with no pressure for commitment. You’ll also get access to all previously posted content immediately upon pledging.

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