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Leepsilon makes video game documentaries about franchises they enjoy and grew up with (mainly PlayStation and early PC games) as well as videos about anime they really like that aren’t getting the love or attention they deserve. Their video game documentaries (available on Leepsilon Documentaries) are some of the most time consuming (but also some of the most rewarding) videos that they make. Each one typically takes them around 2-3 months to finish, as a great deal of time and effort is spent carefully researching each game, writing the script, and editing the video in a way that is both informative and non-intrusive. The documentary above (The Story of Rayman) was the very first documentary they created, and while their narration hasn’t exactly held up when compared to their more recent documentaries, it’s still an important video that they’re glad that they made. Clocking in at almost 40 minutes, it details the complete history of all of the mainline Rayman games – highlighting numerous ups and downs the team faced while making them, and how the games changed over time. Meanwhile, on their main Leepsilon channel, they talk about anime – mainly recommending underrated anime they’ve enjoyed that they feel more people should check out, but on occasion they’ll also discuss broader topics relating to the medium and the industry. They first got into anime in early 2017 and have seen a lot of anime since then. Most of their videos talk about shows that they rarely see mentioned anywhere else, like Shonen Maid (the anime featured above). If you’ve never seen this wholesome slice of life gem, then you’ve been missing out! It’s one of their favourite feel-good anime and one that they’ve re-watched countless times by now. The fact that it’s still largely unknown is a real shame, and it’s not alone either. There are many anime that fail to get the recognition they deserve (for a variety of reasons) but they hope to try and change that a little, by recommending some of them in their videos for you to check out and enjoy.

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