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Lily is a queer disabled writer who was raised between bookshelves and thrives on fantasy. Additionally, as a disabled individual with a recent diagnosis – fibromyalgia as well as cerebral palsy, depression, and anxiety – holding down a steady job is currently impossible. This is where Patreon helps them afford medication and other necessities. As a result of undertaking and finishing their master’s degree in medieval literature, they have delved more deeply into public engagement on social media to explore what they love; they’re a big believer in using Twitter to educate and foster discussion regarding academia, medieval studies, and disability. They write fiction and poetry on various subjects, and have done for years – although their favourite genre is queer fantasy. (They’re currently working on a novel involving queer, disabled non-human characters.) As patron perks they release fiction excerpts, short stories, and poetry each month as well as early access to non-fiction essays (which are then posted to Medium after early access is over) and a monthly post about a medieval topic.

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