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Lindsay Parris

Lindsay Parris

Lindsay Parris is Lindsay Parris was born in Birmingham, Alabama in the 1980s but moved around a lot as a child, inspiring a love of experiencing new cultures, sights and sounds. Lindsay graduated with an Art Studio degree and a Masters of Art Education in 2004 and 2007. Since then she has spent 12 years teaching visual art in the Birmingham area as well as creating and exhibiting her own art at a variety of galleries and festivals. Lindsays color palette leans toward the bright and colorful and the imagery she often explores through her work is both whimsical and also a direct response to her daily experiences and reflections on the human experience. Most of her work is a combination of drawing, painting, and jewelry making that coincides with her personal spiritual path through dreams, meditation, intuitive journaling and this bizarre and beautiful human existence on Earth. My art is both a direct reflection of where I am on my personal path and my interpretations of the Collective Conscious.Lindsay also taps into her intuition and higher self to offer other services to clients; such as Beyond Quantum Healing sessions, tarot and oracle card readings, soul path and dream interpretation paintings and reports, as well as hosting local moon goddess intention ceremonies and chakra themed art therapy workshops.The Empowered Vibe Tribe is a group created by me (Goddess Lindsay) to share my gifts, passions, experiences, and art that manifested out of my journey into consciousness and awakening. I don’t claim to be an expert or have all of the answers, as we all know the truth lies within. I do however, have practices that I have nurtured and grown over the past several years that have helped me connect with my higher self to work towards living a life filled with more compassion, connection, consciousness, and joy. I hope that this page will nurture a community of connection and inspiration. You can also follow her on social media at as well as

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