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Lotus Love

Lotus Love

Lotus Love is + Guided Meditations + Sacred Environments + Intentional Experiences + Storytelling, Sound & Language They make media, tools+ systems for transformation, and * Art for Hearts * In the Making _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ They make Media, Tools + Systems for Transformation, and Wish to assist human transformation in publishable form Answering of calls for Art & Papers for Wellness & Technology Stories being rewrote. Humanity needs a new repertoire of stories to live by They make Media, Tools + Systems for Transformation, and They wish to assist human transformation in publishable form Answering of calls for Art & Papers for Wellness & Technology Stories being rewrote. Humanity needs a new repertoire of stories to live by They make Media, Tools + Systems for Transformation They wish to assist human transformation in publishable form Answering of calls for Art & Papers for Wellness & Technology Stories being rewrote. Humanity needs a new repertoire of stories to live by _______________ They make Media, Tools + Systems for Transformation They wish to assist human transformation in publishable form Answering of calls for Art & Papers for Wellness & Technology Stories being rewrote. Humanity needs a new repertoire of stories to live by To access Sparkitude, World Building, Foundation Builders, Tarot of Something More, Cyber Scoop News Group, Journeys, Cosmic Intuition Broadcast, Somethings Hidden, Things Found, Cosmics, Cosmology, Liberated View, Quantum Vibe, Ministry of Vibe and other teachings and writings, contact Denise for access to your Patron benefits of Lotus Ideation at: LotusLove.Cloud. Other Projects Include: + Guild of One Storytellers + American Mystics Academy + Science of Vibe + Quantum Vibe + Ministry of Vibe + Cosmic Intuition Broadcast The Lotus Idiom ALL good things start with a thought! #Findoutmore Discover, Intend, Shift, New Ways, Walk & Talk with Lotus Love. Any guidance that I offer is always an invitation for the seeker to discover their own experience of what is true beyond their thoughts about it. _____________________________________________________\n\n##\n\n\n\n##\n Lotus Love is + Guided Meditations + Sacred Environments + Intentional Experiences + Storytelling, Sound & Language They make media, tools+ systems for transformation, and They wish to assist human transformation in publishable form Answering of calls for Art & Papers for Wellness & Technology Stories being rewrote. Humanity needs a new repertoire of stories to live by They make Media, Tools + Systems for Transformation, and They wish to assist human transformation in publishable form Answering of calls for Art & Papers for Wellness & Technology Stories being rewrote. Humanity needs a new repertoire of stories to live by They make Media, Tools + Systems for Transformation, and They wish to assist human transformation in publishable form Answering of calls for Art & Papers for Wellness & Technology Stories being rewrote. Humanity needs a new repertoire of stories to live by They make Media, Tools + Systems for Transformation and They wish to assist human transformation in publishable form Answering of calls for Art & Papers for Wellness & Technology Stories being rewrote. Humanity needs a new repertoire of stories to live by Lotus Love is in the Making of Art for Hearts To assist human transformation in publishable form Answering of calls for Art & Papers for Wellness & Technology Stories being rewrote. Humanity needs a new repertoire of stories to live by The Lotus Love of Art is manifesting and bringing to life many Agents of Love who desire to bring their gifts and offerings to the marketplace in service to the needs of healing, growth and evolution of the human tribe. The intention of Lotus Love is to empower others to know, do+be their best by inspiring, instigating and catalyzing individuals & communities to be purpose-centered, to live with passion & fulfillment, and in service to the birth of a new paradigm based on human potential and human relationships, Oneness and Authenticity. Subscribe to the Lotus Love YouTube Channel:

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