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Lunatic Astrology

Lunatic Astrology

Lunatic Astrology is Lori Ann Lothian. Thirty years ago they landed a gig ghost writing sun sign paperbacks for a well known and untimely deceased astrologer. Tossed into the deep end of learning astrology, they fell in love with the sacred language of celestial bodies. Since then they have studied and practiced evolutionary and Hellenistic Astrology, along with the ageless wisdom of Egyptian, Vedic and Arabic systems for understanding divine timing and turning points in the natal chart. They are on a mission to bring Queen Luna back from her second class status in the midst of the sun sign hoopla — the moon is the mistress of magic who reflects your souls intention (defined by the sun) and makes it manifest. Understanding how to harness lunar cycles and the powers of the chart is what makes this astrology LUNATIC. Oh, and that their natal moon is at the Sabian degree of the prophet helps too!).

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