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Matthias Roberts

Matthias Roberts

Matthias Roberts is creating Queerology. They remember lying in the dark as a kid terrified that God was going to send them to hell because they were attracted to men. They spent nights in agony begging God to change them, thinking there was something terribly wrong with them. Maybe you were like them. Or maybe you were a parent who watched your child slip away from you. They can only imagine how different their life would have been if they had an alternative to the bad theology that they were taught by everyone around them. That’s why they created Queerology: because no one should feel like God hates them. If you’re like most people who listen, you are passionate about spreading a message of acceptance and belonging to LGBTQ+ people. And Queerology is spreading that message! Just this week, Queerology was listed by as #1 on their list of Podcasts to Listen to on National Coming Out Day. And, last month The Oprah Magazine named Queerology as one of the Best LGBTQ+ Podcasts of 2019. The listening audience of Queerology has grown significantly since this time last year. Creating Queerology and resources like it has become their full-time job (besides their small therapy practice). They love doing this work, but they need your support as they continue to do it. Like thousands of other listeners, maybe your life has been changed after hearing the stories of LGBTQ+ people of faith featured on Queerology.

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