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M.E. Purfield

M.E. Purfield is an autistic author who has been writing and publishing short stories and novels since 2001 under various names. Before that, they were a screenwriter for low and no-budget films. A majority of their work composes the Tenebrous Chronicles (Miki Radicci, The Radicci Sisters, Cities Series) which focuses on psychics who solve crimes committed by natural and supernatural adversaries. They are also a chronic short story writer. Their priority is to create a closer relationship and spread autism acceptance with their readers. Secondly, they hope to end major reliance on sales channels like Amazon, etc. They do make a fair amount of money through world markets and they will continue to feed it but as their Patreon grows they hope to lower ebook prices – FREE/.99 cents – so anyone can access them without financial barriers. But wait, why should you become a Patreon supporter if you can read their books for that low price in the future? If you can wait that long: Exclusivity! They will only release paperbacks regularly. Maybe once a year. Ebooks not so much. Being a patron, you can access the e-novels up to a year in advance along with the archive. You will also receive special mythology short stories, access to their book blog that covers genre novels and autistic fiction authors they have read, their autism blog which depicts their autistic life and perspective, and, in the coming months, audiobooks.

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