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MGisms is Marie Gail “MG” Stratford, a poet, artist, dancer and lifelong creative storyteller. Marie Gail began her creative communication journey as a child and has spent her adult life finding solace and healing in the creative process. Recently, she was offered the opportunity to share the gift of healing dance with others by teaching an adaptive dance series in partnership with Clement Waters, a Kansas City-based sustainable living organization. As the series unfolded, the need that adults have for healing, creative movement became crystal clear. Marie Gail herself experienced many aspects of healing, even beginning to teach while recovering from a major foot surgery. Shortly after the Sustainable Movement classes began, a friend approached Marie Gail and asked that she teach watercolors. She agreed to an in-home teaching session found the elements of healing creativity to be accessible in the creation of graphic arts as well. To her, creating watercolors feels like using the elements of pigment, water and paintbrush to dance on paper. Join us on a creative journey as Marie Gail shares with you healing dance, creative art, and her personal passion for storytelling.

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