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Mike Truk

Mike Truk

Mike Truk is writing harem epic fantasy novels. They wrote The Five Trials for the sheer fun of it; they wanted to do whatever they wanted without having to worry about expectations or tropes. And to their surprise, the book exploded out the gate, hitting #137 in the whole US Amazon store and receiving a bunch of great reviews. And they thought to themselves: “I’d like to do this full time.” But publishing is a career with no guarantees. Good months can be followed by bad. Hence this Patreon. They see it as their chance to get a little stability so they can quit their job with peace of mind and write full time. Which, in turn, would allow them to get their books out that much quicker. Since the chapters they’ve already written are just sitting on their hard drive, they thought: why not share them with folks who’d like to get a sneak peak? They often have to wait two or three months after finishing a novel for Audible to record the audiobook, so why not put the chapters out there during that time?

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