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Misty Mawn

Misty Mawn

Misty Mawn is an artist, potter, mother, and a highly motivated, somewhat scrappy, deeply dedicated creative being on a journey to figure out how to make the most of what they’ve got. In 2005 they started a blog where they wrote about their woes and ways and began sharing their art. At the time they were a full-time potter and mother of two sweet babies. They were using eBay to sell their artwork as it was the only online option at the time. They were invited to show at galleries, asked to write articles on their techniques, published in multiple publications, and asked to write a book. They were making friends all over the world and feeling more alive than ever. They felt like their little quiet world burst into a colorful explosion of opportunities. They were having the time of their life. Since then, they have been traveling less and teaching more online. It’s been wonderful for them to be able to stay home with their family and earn an income at the same time, but they feel like they need a place (off FB and other social media platforms) where they can focus. When They discovered Patreon, they thought, “this is it! this is the next thing for me, where I can put everything I have to offer in one place. Here, I can focus solely on my purpose, which will be to live fully in the most creative ways that I can and connect with others doing so. Similar to the online classes they’ve taught throughout the past 10 years, they will be sharing various ways to create art to inspire and motivate others as well as views into their own daily art and life adventures. They are so excited that others found them here, they hope others will support them on this journey.

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