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Motoko Honda – Pianist and Composer

Motoko Honda - Pianist and Composer

Motoko Honda – Pianist and Composer is originally from Japan, and moved to the U.S. when they were 19 years old to study in Kansas. After their heartbreaking decision to stop playing the piano, they thought they would never touch the piano again. But many coincidences and amazing encounters lead them back to the music, and it still seemed to take a long time to heal from the past and really embrace their music. The end result is starting their own membership to directly connect with their audience. They have realized the reason they make music is that this is the best possible way for them to contribute to the world, and they can only do so by being free to follow their true self and their creative instincts. Their musical and artistic interests are wide, and some people have a hard time to define what kind of musician they are, but that’s what makes them who they are and they’re ready to embrace it and explore further, hopefully with amazing people like you by their side.

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