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Mystery Parfait

Mystery Parfait

Mystery Parfait is Moogs and Carrot from Mystery Parfait, a doujin group that makes, among other things, Danmaku!!, a Touhou-inspired party card game. They are preparing to send their second expansion, Mutiny of Belittled Spirits to the printers. In the process of creating expansions for Danmaku!!, they come up with many more ideas than they could ever end up printing. This Card of the Month Club is their way of sharing those ideas with their fans, and keeping the community engaged between the lengthy development cycles of major expansions. By supporting them, you receive a behind the scenes look into their development process, as well as patron-only digital cards you can play with in the Tabletop Simulator version of Danmaku!!. Based on user feedback, some of these cards might make it to print in an upcoming physical expansion, tentatively codenamed Big Box.

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