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Natalia Caronte

Natalia Caronte

Natalia Caronte is Natalia, They come from a very sunny and warm place in the world, full of lemon and orange trees, and also home of Padm Amidala, Naboo (They proudly live near one of the places where the filming of Episode II – Attack of the Clones took place). When they were a little girl, they were the one always holding a pencil, they loved drawing and their main theme was horses. They loved the “Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron” movie, and would draw all kind of horses, named them and write a little file with their ages, their likings… As they grew up, they never stopped drawing, and based all their studies in art. They studied 3D Animation, learning digital sculpting which they love, among 2D animation and a little bit of code, but later came to the realization they were made to be their own boss, and that what they like is creating whatever comes through their mind at the time, that’s why they became a freelance illustrator and founded their own business, which they keep growing until this very day since a year now, and they’ve never been happier, they’ve found their purpose in life. Among working on their shop and creating illustrations for clients and brands, they’re also starting to write their own stories, and hope to work for editorials drawing illustrated books, but also would love to write and draw their own. They’ve always loved fantasy movies and books that evade them into other worlds, mythological creatures and stories about women with full strength and magic powers, and they deeply love nature and whatever place gives them a “Lord of The Rings” feel. Nature, magic and animals deeply inspire their creations and in all of their works, they try to give someone a little glimpse of the magic world they create inside of their head.

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