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Nicki Sun

Nicki Sun

Nicki Sun is creating TechNicki Speaking. They’re starting a YouTube channel, creating a website and keeping their passions for tech and filmmaking alive. 10 years ago, Nicki created their show, Now You Know, in hopes to shine a spotlight on faces and voices that were often underrepresented in mainstream media. Focusing particularly on Asian American and multi-ethnic communities, they found that interviewing these freelance creators, artists, entrepreneurs, and entertainers who pursued unconventional career paths, was not only inspiring to them, but also to others who were wanting to pursue their dreams as well. Along the way, Nicki got the filmmaking bug and got SUPER into tech, which led them to a career-defining moment hosting the Post Production campus stage during NAB Show 2018 for an entire week. They vividly recall introducing and hyping up male speaker after male speaker to the stage. For a media, broadcast, and entertainment tradeshow that attracts over 100,000 people every year, they found themselves asking, “Where are the women?!” They’re grateful to the several male allies gained along this journey who have assisted in providing wonderful opportunities, but it’s time to add more women and other underrepresented communities to the mix. They’ve never desired special treatment being a woman or a person of color. They just want acknowledgement that they exist, and that by seeking and including their unique perspectives only add authenticity and life to the stories they share on screen. And perhaps in them unapologetically and boldly expressing their passion for technology and filmmaking, it might encourage and make space for others who’ve felt marginalized in this industry to do the same. They’re goal with TechNicki Speaking is to not only to be a resource for those interested in filmmaking/content creation, but to also utilize their background as an interviewer to spotlight their fellow female and BIPOC filmmakers, share their work, and upcoming projects in need of more incredible talent on their crews. By becoming a supporter on Patreon, you are not only helping them actualize this dream of theirs, but you’ll also be a part of contributing to this much needed change in this industry.

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