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NimbleThor is NimbleThor, They help their fellow mobile gamers by finding and reviewing actual good mobile games across Reddit, YouTube, and their games discovery platform MiniReview. NimbleThor’s goal has always been to provide a personal voice in this hectic space by dissecting mobile games, finding hidden gems, and calling out the worst pay-to-win practices. NimbleThor would love to do nothing else for the rest of their life, and they’re thrilled that you’re interested in joining their close-knit community here on Patreon, where you get access to: Patreon-only polls; vote on games they should review and topics they should cover. MiniReview insights and sneak-peeks. Ask questions that they answer in Patreon-exclusive videos. Watch behind-the-scenes of upcoming content. Special 1-day early access to all YouTube videos.

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