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Ninja Writers

Ninja Writers

Ninja Writers is Shaunta Grimes. They’re a novelist, a teacher, and a student. And they’re the founder of Ninja Writers. In fact, in the spectrum of coolest things they’ve ever been a part of, Ninja Writers is right up there with seeing their novel on the shelf at Barnes and Noble and the library. They have one guiding principle: they believe that a good story well told can change the world. They also have a favorite quote. It’s from Ray Bradbury and it goes like this: Just write every day of your life. Read intensely. Then see what happens. Ninja Writers is all about building a daily writing and reading habit, then seeing what happens. They’ve grown from just them in February 2016 to 12,000 in January 2017. There are 8000 writers in their Facebook Group and it’s growing at a rate of more than 1000 per month.

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