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Nonstop Eurotrip

Nonstop Eurotrip

Nonstop Eurotrip is an YouTube channel started as a hobby in 2019 and a way to share their travels with friends and family on YouTube. They aren’t planning it to become a part-time job at all. As it grew though, slowly as first, they thought they’d make the extra effort and try and see how they could progress. After a channel revamp last year, with a new camera and new style of video, it has grown fast. They passed 1000 subscribers, then 5000, passed 1 million views and are now closing in on 10,000 subscribers. The past year hasn’t been easy for everyone, but luckily they managed to get out and film quite a lot last summer, which has tided them through. Now with vaccination in full flow, it looks like travelling will be safe and legal in the next couple of months, and they have lots planned to do. They guess Patreon is the next logical step in the growth of the channel and will offer a few benefits in return for support.

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