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Planet #FPL with Suj & James

Planet #FPL with Suj & James is the duo behind the football content platform, Planet FPL. Focusing primarily on Fantasy Premier League content, the duo talk about their trials and tribulations with FPL, matches each week and much much more. James is a season ticket holder at Tottenham and Suj is a season ticket holder at West Ham. The guys combine their football knowledge and stats to provide useful and useless FPL advice on a weekly basis. With podcasts available on Spotify, iTunes, Soundcloud, Google Podcasts and YouTube, there are daily shows for free. For the members, there are a whole host of other benefits, including exclusive content, discounts, merchandise and more. There are also regular meet-ups and live shows. The team have over 25 correspondants that write articles and give advice for every single Premier League team.

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