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Podcast ohne (richtigen) Namen

Podcast ohne (richtigen) Namen is Jochen, Eddy and George. They first met at NBC Giga over 20 years ago. They stood in front of the camera every day and played computer and video games while telling tall tales. In a way, it was the birth of LPs and long before there were YouTube or Twitch platforms, it laid the foundation for what the LPs and gaming content we enjoy today. Over the years, paths split for the three, and by chance, all found their home in Hamburg, Germany. So why not have a bit of fun chatting or reminiscing again? That was the idea behind “Podcast ohne (richtigen) Namen”. That the podcast would reach so many listeners and make them and the hosts so happy was beyond expectation, but they’re all the more happy for it. It also makes them very happy that many of their listeners have asked regularly how they can support them. They hope this Patreon page will help them raise the podcast to a more professional level, and allow them to offer it more often. But whether you support them on Patreon, just spread the word or leave a positive rating on iTunes, all make them very happy, and they hope you’ll enjoy their podcasts.

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