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Pravus is a video game enthusiast who decided to start creating gaming videos on YouTube as a hobby. Over the years, his content has greatly improved in quality and quantity, but these improvements have come at a cost. Whereas before he might have spent two or three hours a week creating videos, now he invests nearly twenty. This channel has effectively become a part-time job. The trouble with YouTube, of course, is that the algorithm can shift at any time and for any reason. One month you’re making a decent living, the next you’re in a deep hole. That’s why he has created this Patreon. If he ever hopes to make his YouTube channel into a full-time career, he can’t afford to rely on the volatile ad revenue system. The easy solution for most people is to install an ad-blocking program on their browser. Unfortunately, blocking advertising also blocks content creators from being compensated for their work. With ad-block, you can enjoy the free media produced by your favorite creator, but they get short-changed. That’s why services like Patreon exist: to give you, the viewer, an option to directly support your favorite creators without any guilt for avoiding those pesky ads.

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