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Pythian Mystery School

Pythian Mystery School

Pythian Mystery School is a community of metaphysical seekers studying under the guidance of the TikTok Occultist @PythianPriestess. They educate seekers, witches & occultists at various stages of their spiritual journey. The occult comes from the Latin word occultus meaning hidden or secrets. The term occult refers to knowledge of the hidden. Referring to beliefs and practices with principal magical or divinatory ideology. A form of the occult has occurred in all human societies across recorded history and across cultures. To be clear, occultism references the practices and techniques used, whereas esotericism as the religious or philosophical belief system on which such practices are based. Pythian Mystery School prioritized creating a multicultural, diverse community based on respect and equality. This is a safe space for all. Their goal is to give you the tools and skills you need to learn and research on your own, so you can follow your own path responsibility.

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