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Rainbowholic is Kaila, a Filipina creator based in Japan. They started their Patreon journey last 2018, while they were working as a part-time English teacher. Through the big help of their patrons, they were able to make this as their full-time job. On May 2019, during the new Reiwa era in Japan, their partner (Aki) and they finally registered Rainbowholic Ltd. / Rainbowholic. They quit their corporate job for 5 years so they can fully start working on their business dream. It has been such a rollercoaster ride (in a good way) since then! The team has grown over the time too. Now, the team is composed of Kaila, Aki, Julie, Mr. Anonymous, Karisa, Taz, and Elica. They are also working with amazing artist friends around the world and they introduce their art through collaborations and original stationery production. Their goal is to spread happiness through their uplifting content and stationery / kawaii packages. For more information, please check these links: #rainbowholicpatreon Reviews (Instagram) #rainbowholicpatreon Reviews (Youtube) Kawaii Journaling Community (over 12K+ members!) If you have any inquiries, you may email them at [email protected]

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