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Rebecca Olds/Timesmith Dress History

Rebecca Olds/Timesmith Dress History

Rebecca Olds/Timessmith Dress History is an independent researcher and ‘original practice’ maker of reconstructed historical clothing of the 18th century. This Patreon community gives you the opportunity to support the research and creative content about 18th century clothing – how it was made and worn, and the stories of all the women involved in the garment making trade and their skills, concerns and experiences. Becoming a Patron opens the door to a wide range of benefits, including early (ad free!) access to Rebecca’s videos, exclusive updates on what Rebecca’s currently researching or making and Rebecca’s plans for the month; in depth behind-the-scenes content sharing Rebecca’s process in reconstructing original garments that Rebecca’s been studying and researching — long before Rebecca shows the end result to the rest of the world, and direct engagement with Rebecca as a maker and teacher, through livestreams, a private Facebook group, even one-to-one calls on the Lace Makers tier.

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