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Rob Reid

Rob Reid

\n Rob Reid is creating the After On Podcast, a collection of unhurried conversations with thinkers, founders, and scientists. It’s an offshoot of his novel After On, which Random House/Del Rey published in August of 2017. The first eight episodes went deep into the science, tech, and sociological issues explored in the book. As he was finishing them, he realized he was having too much fun (and learning too much!) to stop podcasting. Rob does a huge amount of preparation & research for his interviews – typically 20-30 hours, often more. This gets him deep into the work and personal histories of his guests, allowing him to structure an interview that explores things in a truly informed manner, while remaining 100% accessible to non-experts. He does his best to achieve an information density that’s a bit closer to that of a TED talk than that of a meandering interview. His other goal is to take listeners from passing familiarity with a complex & important topic to a top-percentile understanding of it in the course of hearing an episode. His topics have included cryptocurrency, consciousness, augmented reality, extreme longevity, terrorism, quantum computing, drones, and Fermi’s Paradox. Some of his guests are household names with millions of followers. Some are as unknown as he is. But all are world-class experts in their fields ones who have been wildly generous with their time so as to impart some wisdom to the rest of us. Starting with the launch of this page in late February of 2018, he plans to post two episodes (or thereabouts) per month at least through June. Depending on support levels and other factors, he may then maintain the frequency, increase it, or diminish it. Supporters at or above $5/month will get access to a recorded roundup of thoughts & recommendations (articles, books, etc) connected to each new episode. Sometimes he may also throw in news about other projects he’s working on. Think of it as Part 2 of the debriefs that he already puts at the end of each episode for all listeners. For now, he’ll post them here on his Patreon page – later he may get fancy with a private podcast feed.

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