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Salome Scheidegger

Salome Scheidegger

Salome Scheidegger is a pianist from Switzerland, based in NYC. They were trained classically in Switzerland, Paris, London, and New York. They love performing, and even more than that they love performing with visuals such as video projections and lights. They believe the effect of music can be enhanced through the addition of visuals and can make a piece of music more accessible to the audience, especially when they’re not too familiar with it. That’s why they created “Envisage” a couple of years ago: a piano recital set as an audiovisual experience. Apart from the classical repertoire, they’ve recently gotten into video game music. They started playing with the video game music cover band Critical Hit a few years ago, which led to further adventures in that field, like touring through Europe and the US with their good friend Taylor Davis. They’ve since released two video game and anime-themed piano albums (“PLAY” and “Salichan – The Ghibli Album”), and have also started to write their own arrangements for piano of the songs they like form video game and anime soundtracks. They love doing this, and are so happy to be able to (in part thanks to their wonderful patrons!) “Salicheart” is their Visualist name.

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