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Sarah Jolley

Sarah Jolley

Sarah Jolley is a Cheshire-based cartoonist, and while they previously worked as a storyboard artist for over three years they are taking the plunge to try and make their own work their main source of income, woo. They have also been told that they cannot draw for a professional living and do their own work outside of it, and the logical step is to endeavor to make their own work their professional living. There is also a rather real possibility that they will not be able to draw for the rest of their life, as the joints in their fingers are affected by the condition and will likely get worse as they age, so the sooner they can focus all their energy on completing their stories before it gets to that point, the better. They’ve been very lucky with the people who have helped and supported them thus far, and they can’t imagine how they could have done as much as they have without their family and friends. This is the next chapter, and while it is a frighteningly big step it would be churlish to put aside what they have already given without at least trying to make a go of it.

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