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Sawyer Green

Sawyer Green

Sawyer Green is already a professional writer. They’ve wanted to be a professional writer for as long as they can remember. Two stories of theirs have been published before, but no compensation came out of them, and their words alone aren’t going to help keep this train moving when the bank comes knocking for the monthly mortgage payment. So on to the important stuff, what will you get for being a member? What would you want to see from your favorite authors if you had a Patreon? You’d want to see the process from beginning to end. You’ll get access to weekly flash fictions, along with monthly short stories, twice-weekly journal entries, first glimpses of stuff, stories that got thrown on the cutting room floor, character outlines, at-home writing photos, and even deep dives into their own process to help discover exactly how some of these ideas came to be – you can call them private diary entries. Additionally, there will be certain tiers where you will have creative input into one flash fiction per month. Ever wanted to read a romance between a succubus and a great white shark? How about a soap opera set within the golden passageways of a beehive? This is the chance to see something written by a professional that goes deep into the very weird.

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