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Scott Adams (Dilbert is his day job)

Scott Adams is the creator of the Dilbert comic strip. That’s his day job. In 2015, he started doing live Periscope videos on the topic of persuasion and politics, mostly about President Trump’s skill as a persuader. Prior to blogging and Periscoping about the 2016 presidential election, he enjoyed a robust speaking career and did a lot of licensing of Dilbert products. That all dried up (about one-third of his income) when roughly half of the public labelled him a racist for saying positive things about Trump’s persuasion talents. Periscoping about politics takes substantial time and effort, and it brings with it considerable risks to both income and reputation. But people tell him his Periscoping videos sometimes shape the national conversation as well as help folks succeed in their personal lives. He created this Patreon page for anyone who would like to encourage him to make more Periscs about what is obviously a risky topic: Trump’s persuasion skills.

Find Scott Adams (Dilbert is his day job) online:


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