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Sheree L Greer

Sheree L Greer

Sheree L Greer is a writer and artist whose work includes novels, short stories, essays, teaching, and literary community building. They recently received a fully-funded sabbatical and engaged with teaching at a college in Florida on a more independent and flexible basis. Seeking support of $1800 per month, they aim to resign from full-time faculty work and focus on creating more literary community. They recently had two surgeries that would bring their health challenges under control, an experience that revealed their commitment to physical and emotional health, a journey that includes several new directions in the writer’s work. They recently wrote a new affirmation that brought them here, bringing you here, bringing us together: “The universe gives me everything I need, and I give my journey all that I have.” They’re thankful for the journey and committed to centering their creative work more and more each day. As a reward for your support, they invite you to participate in the abundant dance of creation, offering some worthwhile and fun perks for everyone.

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