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SJGPerspective is Steven. They have created this Patreon as a way to do something that means something. Steven has found themselves realizing how fast our lives move. Day to day, week to week, year by year. Steven realized they have not been doing what brings them passion, but rather what brought a paycheck. Now there is definitely virtue in providing for your family, even if what you are doing seems at times meaningless and or mundane to you. Though Steven decided while they were going to work, and providing for their family, why not at least try and do something that brings value to their friends and fans and those around me. So Steven started SJGPrespective to hopefully bring insight into current events infused with humor and lighthearted commentary. While also providing serious things to think about, in a way that is engaging…hopefully. Steven also wanted to share through this medium other things of value that interest them, like the music they create. Some will like it, others not so much. Either way, Steven wants to do what brings joy to themself and others around them, and see if they can provide for their family while pursuing this. Steven wants their example to their kids and those around them, to do what excites them and brings joy to their life and others. Find a way to keep their house warm, and food on their table, by working without it having to feel like work. Do what you love, and you will have what you need. So Steven created SJGPerspective as a way to do something that means something.

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