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Slice of SciFi

Slice of SciFi podcast

Slice of SciFi is a long-running and beloved podcast that Summer Brooks has either hosted, co-hosted, or produced for over 13 years. Summer believes, “the heart of this show lies in showcasing the talent that’s out there creating the genre entertainment we all enjoy… and sometimes enjoy making fun of!” Slice of SciFi originally began as the voice of the SAVE ENTERPRISE campaign of Spring 2005, when loyal Star Trek fans rallied to the cause of saving a cancelled “Star Trek: Enterprise” series, and garner it a previously highly-anticipated 5th season. When that campaign failed, Slice of SciFi continued to support the Star Trek fan base and branched out into the wider arena of science fiction, fantasy and horror media: television, film, comics, and new media such as fan films, audio dramas, online animated comics and more.

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