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SoberDwarf is a narrative designer, pixel artist, gaming historian and preservationist and aspiring youtuber. When they were 2 years old, they were sat down in front of a NES and were exposed to their very first experience of a video game. Though they had no idea what they were doing then, it ultimately led them down a path where they knew that one day they wanted to make video games. Not knowing any better, they thought as a game designer you had to know everything about how to make a game. Programming, Design, Art, Writing, Music; so studied everything they could about games. They learned their history, their designs, their impact, learning what made their favorite games interesting and fun. Then they learned that game designers don’t make “all” the game. As a result, they have more knowledge than they know what to do with, so they decided to make this channel. They released their first video on July 6th, 2015 and they became a full-time creator in 2017 as an effort to grow their channel.

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