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SpacedPanda is having to learn a lot of new things in order to do these videos. They have learnt to use OBS, Sony Vegas, Discord and Twitch – they stream on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays – and now this. It just goes to show you can teach old dogs new tricks. They have had many obsessions including Minecraft, Oblivion, Skyrim, All the Assassins Creeds, COD, and the list is endless. They LOVE games. They have been around the internet for decades now and have dabbled with websites, writing/running them for themselves and others. They ran a successful chat room with the help of their Pandabot for many years. They were an online DJ for an American radio station, they loved the English accent 😀 Now they want to do what they love best, playing games and sharing the experience with others.

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