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Srpske Bitke

Srpske Bitke

Srpske Bitke is a YouTube channel focusing on history and animation of various historical events. We try to cover all historical periods and make history more interesting. We enjoy the animation and research, but that takes a lot of time. With the current resources to make a documentary, it takes about two weeks (sometimes even due to the video is more demanding). How can you profit? Due to the fact that we use phrases such as “war”, “battle”, “revolution” in our documentaries, the YouTube algorithm recognizes them as violent, and therefore demonetizes them, so we have to report the clicks, and therefore they almost half of the views do not earn money. We would be able to devote ourselves to making a documentary and hire additional members to work on them. We would be able to acquire the equipment for improved audio recording. We would be able to enter the software to improve animation, which in turn improves the documentary. Watch the documentaries which we have already placed. >

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