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Stephen L. Miller

Stephen L. Miller is the host of the Vs Media Podcast w/ Stephen L. Miller (National Review Online, Fox News, New York Post, @redsteeze on Twitter) brings a blunt approach to the world of observational politics and media + media culture podcasting from the right but not of the right. Stephen L. Miller’s daily podcast will focus on busting media bias and narratives from some of the industry’s worst actors and help shine some perspective on the effects media has on driving outrage and cancel culture. Why subscription only? Subscribers keep the podcast ad-free, which means no annoying product placements in the middle of a good conversation or selling sugar pills or Megamind brain supplements. Subscribers also keep the podcast free from advertiser intimidation tactics that have found a comfortable home in media today among the corporate media and the left like Media Matters and CNN. The most important thing about any podcast worth listening to is that guests are free to speak their minds for the listener and no one else, and certainly not the political left and cancel culture. By subscribing, you are effectively canceling intimidation tactics and cancel culture itself. Stephen L. Miller has written for National Review Online, Fox News, New York Post and Heat St. He’s currently a contributor for Spectator US where he writes on the absurd intersection of politics and media in culture and beyond.

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