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Steven Morrison

Steven Morrison

Steven Morrison is former psychotherapist, creator of Spiritual Workout, author of the memoir, “An Extra Year: Grief and Loss in the New Age,” “The Spiritual Workout Handbook,” and miscellaneous pieces published elsewhere on the interwebs. He’s really glad you’re here and he knows it’s not an accident. In addition to getting the online version of Spiritual Workout up and running as you see here and founding The Consciousness Company — the business version of Spiritual Workout — he is currently writing a second memoir, which thrills him no end. He lives in a small town in the mountains of southern California where he also creates luxury, custom Spiritual Workout Personal Retreats for the right people at the right times. His trusted partner in this Spiritual Workout Online endeavor is Delilah De La Rosa whom you shall soon meet. It is because of her belief in and commitment to this work that you are reading these words right now.

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