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Sunny’s Geeks

Sunny’s Geeks is Sunny. They work a full time job and stream part time, and live with Major Depressive Disorder and Generalized Anxiety Disorder, and hope to share their story, along with being there for others to hear theirs. They have a bachelors degree in Sociology/Criminology, and struggled with their mental health before, during, and after college. They attend regular therapy and take several medications, but they still struggle from time to time. Every day is a journey. Their goal is to build a community of helpful, thoughtful people where everyone can feel included and heard. The title of their talkshow, You’re Not Alone, is not just a title – it’s something they live by. They’re here to share their story and listen to others so they can make it through the journey of life together. Fun fact: All tiers are named after a type of sunflower. 😀

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