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Tab Kimpton

Tab Kimpton

Tab Kimpton is the author of the fluffy yet angsty LGBT teen romance Khaos Komix, the quirky queer parody Shades of A, the “that’s so me” educational gag strips Minority monsters, and the super sexy Sir, Butler and Boy, AKA gay BUTTlers. (Plus their latest project: Infernal Relations!) They have been posting comics online for 9 years now so they’ve got one hell of a backlog over on for you to binge through. Pretty much all their work is free and they plan to keep it that way. They make most of their money from kickstarters and selling merch online or at conventions, but that money is irregular and hard to plan for. Patreon is brilliant for them as an artist because it gives them regular income they can rely on, so they’ve done their best to make some good rewards for you wonderful folks.

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