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Tanya C. DePass

Tanya C. DePass is doing I Need Diverse Games as their full time job as of December 2015 due to losing their regular gig at that time. Because of this change, they’re dedicating all their time and resources available, but doing this doesn’t generate a lot of money to keep the lights on, pay for miscellaneous things that you need daily. In fact, keeping I Need Diverse Games afloat would cost them what little they had to spare when they were employed. To survive, pay their rent and keep fed, along with the cat, etc they need to ideally pull in $3000 a month, but to truly have all bills paid, be able to attend conventions, etc they need to hit a goal of about $4K a month. They outlined this in a recent post on the I Need Diverse Games tumblr, and they’ve copied some of that below.

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