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tarahyphenated is Tara. They may be familiar from TikTok or we may be meeting for the first time. Either way, they are so happy we’re here. Their life has been a never-ending struggle with their own brain and behavior. They have spent it unable to move forward, stuck with themselves with no idea at all why they couldn’t just get on with their life and be like other people. They knew from childhood that there was something different about them, but a lifetime of being unable to identify what it was left them feeling alone, incapable of connecting with other people, and positive that they were just a terrible human. In January of 2021, they were finally, at the age of 47, diagnosed with ADHD and it was like being handed the key to the cabinet that held every answer they have sought for their entire life. By becoming a patron, you are helping them keep creating content on TikTok and taking part in creating our own community here. They will be telling more of their story through blog posts, longer form video, Q&A sessions, and whatever else comes our way. They can’t wait to learn more about us and to share more about themselves with us.

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