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The Bear Minimum

The Bear Minimum

The Bear Minimum is my first long running project, having been started in 2016 as a means of personal expression. Since then the response has been overwhelming. I have received so much thoughtful, positive and inspiring feedback. I am, however, in a tenuous situation; I am the stereotypical starving artist. Making as many paid works as I can, but still unable to live off that income. Pursuing side projects like my comic to stay engaged and interested in art. It is hard to know how to ask for help when in the past you have stood stoically on your own. Last year several generous people made some donations simply because they liked my comic. This was an overwhelming kindness right before Christmas & honestly made my month. I only have one patron tier at $1+ since I only have a few rewards to give currently. I may find new things to offer as I update my computer & improve my living situation (which is something I am striving for currently).

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