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THE FRENCH INSTINCT is Katy Beauvais, a native French as a Foreign Language Instructor. They help intermediate and advanced learners speak French with authenticity and improve their French in context thanks to their unique and inspiring resources. Anyone can learn a new language at any age. Unfortunately many people think they are bad at languages just because they’ve only used traditional methods or boring resources. Learning a language is not memorizing grammar rules and vocabulary lists, using flashcard and repetitive apps. Language is communication. And to acquire it properly, you need to get involved emotionaly, using content you love and interacting with people you like on topics that you find interesting and meaningful. It’s also really sad to find out that many French students are incapable of understanding a real conversation because they’ve only learned very formal French, which is hardly ever spoken in everyday situations. You need to learn authentic and everyday French, the one which is actually spoken by French people. What THE FRENCH INSTINCT offers is very different from what you can find to learn French. Thanks to their resources, French learners can immerse themselves in authentic French and improve their language skills in context, through comprehensible input, in a practical, concrete and yet enjoyable, creative, inspiring and fun way. They’ll learn more intuitivaly and boost their French Instinct while avoiding clichs. They hold two Masters Degrees, one specializing in teaching French as a secong language and another one in Spanish. They feel passionate about languages and speak 5 languages fluently (French, Spanish, English, Potuguese, Italian). Teaching has always been a deep vocation, but they realized very soon that traditional school methods didn’t work for them, so they decided to create their own learning community. They’ve been teaching for 15 years and as a language learner themselves they know what can be useful and relevant to help them improve their French. They’d like to create more beautiful and interesting resources for their French learners.

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