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The Human InnerFace

The Human InnerFace

The Human InnerFace is a global art community with a mission to break down the walls we build with ourselves and between each other. They are building a gallery of humanity where we connect through our true stories, access our best future possibilities, and find our freedom. To date, over 5000 individuals have created and shared their stories as anonymous self portraits of previously hidden internal dialogues. These portraits reveal what we believe about ourselves and how we fit into our world. Unfortunately, our headlines are full of fear, disconnection and de-humanization that manifests in our health, happiness, and the devaluation of relationships. Depression, anxiety, and addiction have become our new normal — we build walls that block us from joy. Let’s tell a new story. What we think isolates us is actually the glue that binds us together. With this understanding, we open new seats at the table of change and open dialogues on the other side of judgment, cynicism, and fear. We open to ourselves, find compassion for our own stories, and then open to the stories of others. The AIM Project doesn’t exist but for the participation of people like YOU. That is what I love! If you’d like to know more about The Human InnerFace and what it aims to achieve, please check out their Patreon page:\\n

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